Back to Basics: Let’s Chat Fats
One of the greatest food fears US trends have overcome in modern times is the fear of fats. Of course, it’s also very American to see the benefits of one macronutrient and overly emphasize that in one’s dietary intake. Incorporating more fat on a day-to-day basis does not mean you need to take away in any other area completely. For those who do not need to follow a medically-prescribed specific diet, your overall health and satiety greatly benefits from having a balance of carbs, fat, and protein every single day.
If you feel like your meals aren’t keeping you full long enough, consider taking a look at your fat sources. For example, let’s say you have oatmeal with fruit for breakfast and a vibrant salad with grilled chicken at lunch. An easy way to amp up both meals for satiety is by adding a sprinkle of walnuts or spoonful of peanut butter (my personal fave) to your oatmeal; or adding a big drizzle of olive oil, some diced avocado, or a side of guac at lunch. More fats = more flavor, more fun, more satiety.
And if that’s not convincing to add a little more to your meals, here are some excellent health benefits of incorporating healthy fats:
-Reduces blood pressure
-Protection against heart disease
-Lowers bad LDL cholesterol levels, increasing good HDL cholesterol levels
-May reduce inflammation leading to acne (Omega-3s specifically!)
-May boost hair health and growth