Writing Personal Affirmations

I had a conversation with a bff recently where we talked about how we feel more of the “New Year” spirit later in the year, around March, then again in September, and again around November. Your life is on YOUR OWN timeline. This is part of why I believe in waiting a bit for the year to show me what my personal positive affirmations for that year might be. I had a very powerful set of affirmations that helped me power through a challenging 2020, and my affirmations for 2021 have finally pieced together. 

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“I harness the power within me and move boldly and confidently toward my future. What I offer the world is of high value. I fearlessly create.” 

Now that I have my personal positive affirmations, how will I use them?

-Repeat them to myself first thing in the morning and before bed at night
-End my journal entries with writing them out physically
-Thinking of my affirmations while on walks, envisioning that energy, and stepping into that energy

What steps can you take to create your own?

-Be in an open, receiving, growth mindset
-Pay attention to the messages that repeatedly come to you
-Write down any message that comes to you very clearly (mine were three separate sentences that took all of 2021 so far to get to me!)
-Keep a note on your phone or wherever is easily accessible to you and write each thought
-When you feel ready, sit down to handwrite your personal positive affirmations for the year
-Play with the wording until it feels its most true, accurate, BOLD, positive for you
-Write it in the present tense 
-Revisit these quarterly to see if they have made anything come true, still feel like they’re pointing you the direction you want to go, and reconfigure if need be

Happy affirmation writing!


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