Five Ways to Drink More Water ASAP
FIVE WAYS TO DRINK MORE WATER ASAP…(including ways you may not have heard yet!)
Switch up your glassware or water bottle. Frequently switching up what you’re drinking water from may help bring increased awareness to your beverage. Ever notice how you add a new plant to a room, take note of it every time you enter the room for a week or so, and then kind of forget it? (Or is this specific to me?) The same thing can happen with the old Hydroflask.
Find the temperature YOU prefer your water to be. Ice cold? Slightly chilled? Room temperature? Hot with lemon? You’re more likely to reach for your water when it suits your preference. (I can CHUG 24 ounces of room temperature water in no time.)
Replace your afternoon pick-me-up coffee with water...or have a glass before your pick-me-up. This is about finding ways to make your current habits work FOR you.
Refill your cup as soon as you reach the bottom. Reduce your risk of never filling that baby up again, STAT.
EAT your water. This one isn’t drinking water, exactly, but don’t overlook this easy way to add hydration. Watermelon, cucumber, strawberries, romaine lettuce, and celery ALL have 90% water content or more.