How to Get Back into Your Own Flow

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After a three-day weekend (or anytime during this social season), it’s natural to feel a little rocky heading into the shortened week ahead. For some, you’ve been social all weekend, expending energy outward, and burning the candle at both ends. For others, maybe you had a nice, long rejuvenating weekend but need a little something to help guide you back to your routine this week. Here are five steps to get back into the ~flow~ of your life:

  1. REST and be gentle. Maybe a super aggressive workout today is not what your body needs, especially if you’re heading into the week exhausted. Think gently: gentle movement, quiet time, reflection. You don’t need to overtax your nervous system further simply to “get back on track” with workouts. 

  2. HYDRATE. Alternate water with your coffee...then have some more water. 

  3. CONNECT with yourself. Take some time today to connect with your #1 resource of information: YOU. Meditate, reflect, or journal: How am I feeling today? What did I love about the weekend? What didn’t I love? Where’s an area I could go easier on myself? What can I do this week to nourish myself? What’s one mini-goal I’d like to accomplish this week? 

  4. STOCK UP. Write out a few meals you’d like to have this week and do a solid grocery stock. Home cooking and having snacks you love on hand are deeply nourishing.

  5. GET OUTSIDE. Even if it’s just a 10-minute walk, take a break, unplug, and get outside. When I go on walks, I tell myself: Notice something you’ve never noticed before. Pay attention to your surroundings. Look at the details. Look for ONE thing you’ve never noticed before on your usual route or in your usual surroundings.

It’s a fresh week, bffs. Let’s keep it moving onward and upward. 


The Other Side of Enough