One Way to Set Goals
For the bffs who have done the #bestfeelingforever program, these sheets will look familiar! These two pages are the foundation of the work we get into, and I also often use these same tools for my own goal setting.
On one page is the Circle of Life tool, which takes a look at 12 elements that make up the concept of “primary food.” Primary food consists of things like career, creativity, joy, education, and home environment in addition to health and physical activity. When our primary foods are more in balance, chances are our secondary food (the food we actually eat) is balanced as well, OR we are so satisfied overall that thinking about food isn’t weighing on us. By assessing my happiness with each of the 12 elements, rating them, then connecting the dots, I can see where the circle is lopsided and what areas I want to look into for improvement.
I love using this tool to create goals because it helps us see other areas of our life that impact our overall health and well-being. It’s especially helpful as we look at one month, three month, and six month goals. Take time to think about what you really want for yourself in those increments, each segment of time leading into the next. Then, focus on your one month goals. What is ONE step you can take toward one or two of them? Be as specific as possible with that first step and give yourself time to experiment. Change takes time. Trust yourself. Trust the process.