The Importance of a Morning Routine
How you show up for yourself in the morning sets the tone of your whole entire day. Did you have time to check in with yourself first and foremost before giving yourself over to your to-do list and endless demands?
The importance of having a morning routine cannot be understated. It’s also important, however, to notice when that routine is not necessarily flowing with you anymore. For example, for much of the spring and summer I was dedicated to freewriting three pages, reading three pages of a spiritual book, then meditating for at least three minutes. It was absolutely what I needed at the time. But at a certain point it started to feel stagnant and I could feel what I really wanted to do was get my body moving and be outside. So the morning routine currently is: wake up, make coffee, and get outside for a walk in the fresh air ASAP. That awakens me and serves me best in this current moment.
Experiment and try new things with your morning routine. You change every single day, and it’s important to listen to that inner knowing. Just remember the basis of a morning routine: check in with YOU first and foremost.