Back to Basics: Carbohydrates
Let’s get this straight: YOUR BODY NEEDS CARBOHYDRATES. If I could take away everyone’s fear of carbs with a magic wand, I would. But I deeply understand why the fear is there. We have been inundated for decades with messaging making us feel bad for consuming one of the body’s fundamental needs.
In my own journey healing my relationship with food, there is one fact about carbohydrates that’s always amazed me, and honestly, it’s helped me get through hard moments. It’s this: the brain ALONE needs at least 130 grams of carbohydrates in order to function properly. Read that again.
The body, as a whole (including your brain!), needs between 225 and 325 grams of carbohydrates a day. You don’t need to track your macros in order to know you’re getting enough. You’ll recognize a feeling: you’ll be energized, satisfied, and clear-headed. Great sources of carbohydrates include: fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.
Next time you’re feeling sluggish or can’t think quite clearly enough, instead of a coffee, try a carb.